S01E03 – Warfare Pt. 3


The coterie leaves the party to start investigating the murder/attack on Louis Danton. 

They start by confronting Mariam Ajvar (Aisha Deneva), who freely admits she has several boons that need to be repaid by handling parts of the clan’s heroin smuggling. A search of her quarters seems to indicate she had made no effort to hide or prepare for a get away. She claims that the setits have no interest in the city and hate the sabbath. Sigmund finally manages to use his dark sorcery to indicate that she belongs to the venture bloodline the Danava (Indian mystics closely aligned with the Ravnos clan). They also make her contact her setit contacts. 

They go to the lost library of Victor Salon, and do some research on the Followers of set, and mostly confirm their suspicions. But learns that the clan might not be as uniform as they first thought, and has many cults and subcults that have different ways of serving their dark god. 

Carrie’s ghoul returns to the hotel, and describes that invisible beings attacked the house of the former prince. A quick investigation seems to confirm her account. They find the lost ghoul of the prince (Amadeus), and with the clever use of an illusion they make him confirm the prince’s plans for Barcelona. 

Before preparing for sleep, the coterie send out their ghouls, contacts and followers to further the investigation. They also warn the rest of the kindred population in the city and take Scrappy to the hotel.   

Unanswered questions

While watching the prince house, Carrie’s ghoul saw an old truck extremely like the ones used to ferry workers to the factories, building projects and agriculture estates. 

Författare av detta inlägg:

Niclas har spelat rollspel sedan 90-talet. Som för många andra började allt med Drakar och Demoner. Nu på senare år har han påbörjat ett flertal kampanjer både som spelledare och spelare i alla möjliga slags spel.

Inte vad du letade efter? 
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